• Feeling like other people are not speaking clearly or are mumbling.

• Friends and family commenting that your television or radio is very loud.

• Finding it hard to follow conversations in noisy environments.

• Having to ask others to repeat what they have said.

Overtime, experiencing the above, can become difficult and frustrating. Left untreated, people with hearing loss can withdraw from social situations leaving them feeling isolated and anxious. New digital hearing aid technology can offer a solution in 95% of cases, transforming the ability to communicate and ultimately quality of life.
An accurate and professional hearing assessment will enable us to find the best solution for your individual needs.
At Halo Hearing Solutions we take a very different approach to many high street stores. Our first priority is not just to conduct a complete hearing test but to take time to fully understand you, your hearing health and your lifestyle.
A typical hearing consultation and in-depth hearing test will take approximately 1.5 hrs and we start with a detailed discussion in the comfort of our consultation room.
We encourage you to bring a spouse, partner or family member with you to your hearing test appointment who can often add useful, important information to our discussions.
We will then do a full expert hearing examination of the ear and auditory canal using a video otoscope so you can see the results on the screen if you want to!
If it is appropriate to continue we will conduct a full audiometric hearing assessment in our soundproof booth, following which you will receive a thorough explanation of the outcomes and have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
If necessary we will then give you honest, impartial advice on the hearing system that is most suitable for your specific needs.
As part of our commitment to our customers where they aren’t able to come into the shop for their hearing checkup, we offer home visits in the comfort of your own home. Please call us for more information about our ability to complete a professional hearing assessment at home.
*Please note for third party (ENT / GP) audiograms there is a fee of £50