Hearing Aids
Diagnosis and fitting is only the very beginning of the service that our clients receive. At Halo Hearing Solutions we know that adjusting to a new hearing system can be a challenging process and we provide a comprehensive programme of aftercare and support.
We are an independent hearing centre and supply the latest hearing technology from leading manufacturers, none of which are available on the NHS. We work closely with our suppliers, often finding new, innovative solutions for clients with complex hearing needs.
Behind-the-ear (BTE) instruments rest behind the ear and house the device’s technology. A clear plastic tube then directs amplified sound into an earmold inside the ear canal. BTE instruments are often the most durable hearing devices – some are even waterproof.
One of the most popular hearing aid styles available today, the Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) device is small, discreet and incredibly quick-to- fit and perfect for many first-time wearers. A RIC places the miniature speaker directly in the ear canal, enhancing both comfort and sound quality.
In-the-ear (ITE) instruments house their technology components in a custom-formed earmould that fits within the outer portion of the ear. ITEs are appropriate for wearer’s with a mild to severe hearing loss and feature easy-to-use controls which are ideal for those with limited manual dexterity.
In-the-canal (ITC) instruments are smaller still, featuring an earmould that fits down into the ear canal and a smaller portion that faces out into the outer ear. They are discreet, yet partially visible within the outer ear and accommodate a mild to mildly severe hearing loss.
The Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) is 100% invisible and sits comfortably inside the second bend of your ear canal. The IIC is custom fit and appropriate for a range of hearing losses.
(enables you go change the programme on your hearing aids and adjust volume)
(added amplification)
(stream the sound from you television directly to your hearing aids)
A 60-day full moneyback guarantee (from the date of the fitting)
All service and follow up appointments included within the initial cost of any hearing aid purchase (for the lifetime of the product)
Re-testing and re-tuning of your hearing aids as and when you need it.
4-year manufacturer’s warranty
Free Hearing health checks (as and when needed)
The very latest hearing test equipment and hearing aid technology including made for iphone wireless technology
The latest audio devices that connect your hearing aids to your house phone, TV, remote microphone or even your tablet and mobile phone (free home fitting included)
The very best standard of after-care
During this appointment, we will fit and program your hearing aid(s) to best suit your requirements and your lifestyle. We will show you how to use your hearing system, including any accessories you may have purchased. And then finally, we will arrange a series of follow up calls over the next 2 months to get the best out of the instruments you have chosen.
Unfortunately, on occasions we do find that certain individuals we see can hear very subjectively, and even 2 people with the same loss could potentially have their hearing aids set up completely differently! This is where Halo come into our own, we promise to spend time with you to ensure each client is getting the best out of the products they have chosen. If for any reason, you do not feel like you have received full value for money then a full refund, or an exchange for another product will be offered, so there really is nothing to lose!
Once you’ve committed to better hearing it doesn’t stop there, getting used to your hearing system can take months and you will have our support throughout this process with as many follow up appointments as you require. We then continue to give a consistent and reliable service level, by offering Aftercare appointments every 6 months for the lifetime of the hearing aids.
Being an independent company means that we can offer each client the best solution for your hearing. We use many different and specialist testing and fitting procedures. And because we are not tied into any single manufacturer we can offer you the best products and service that best matches your requirements.